Plain Packaging

Plain Packaging Burning Headlines

The latest buzz word and headache of businessmen around the globe is one so simple and seemingly innocent, "plain packaging."

Plain packaging regulates the color, content and informative labeling aspects of packaging design for products the government believes to be harmful.

tobbaco firstThe recent legislation decision of the Scottish Government banning appealing packaging for tobacco products is only the beginning of the plain packaging trend. The Government’s effort to eliminate temptation from consuming tobacco products is projecting a “smoke-free” Scotland by the 2030s. United States businesses, alike countries around the world, are wondering how this will effect regulation for them in the near future.

The food and beverage industry spends approximately $2 billion per year marketing to children according to the Federal Trade Commission. 40% of children’s diets come from added sugars and unhealthy fats according to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. If you consider other harmful substances such as alcohol, where in the U.S. over 26% of ages 20 and under have consumed alcohol within the past month, you wonder how quickly this legislation could domino effect across all industries.

We live in a decade where digital and social media platforms thrive as a primary information source. Companies such as Philip Morris International, Marlboro and even McDonald's, lie in the heat of Twitter headlines.

Plain PackagingThis may be a devastating blow to industries immediately impacted by the new legislation; however the burning question is answered. Will plain packaging reduce the public’s consumption?

The National Drug Strategy recently reported smoking rates have plummeted by 15.5%. This is the single biggest drop in twenty years.

plain packaging social media tweetsWhat would store shelves look like if plain packaging spread across all industries? Yikes…boring! Luckily this does not exist and our lives are filled with colorful and intriguing packaging design. Let your creativity run wild. The Cary Company offers a variety of container and packaging products to complete your awe-inspiring products. Not only that, we can also help design packaging labels and branding for you. Check us out.

“The Importance of Modeling the Behavior You Want to See”
Dr. Tian Dayton, March 13th, 2014. Huffington Post
Colin Hulme, May 19th, 2014. Herald Scotland

“Plain packs help deter young smokers as uptake drops to new low”
Becky Freeman, July 18th, 2014. The Conversation