Cubitainer® & E-Tainer® Kubes
Save on Shipping Costs with Cubitainers® & E-Tainer® Kubes
The Cary Company's Plastic Cubitainers® and E-Tainer® Kubes allow users to save storage space, have lower shipping costs than plastic pails and offer more durability than a bag-in-a-box. These collapsible cubes are lightweight, stackable and made of 100% recyclable FDA Approved LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) material.
Our Cubitainers® and E-Tainer® Kubes available in two options: assembled as a UN Rated (4G) or as a knock down insert. We have sizes ranging from 1 quart to 5 gallons, with the assembled containers Packaging Group II and III liquids. Cubitainers and the spout are a great choice for homebrewing, medical/diagnostic applications, chemicals and more.
Looking for Design Services? - The Cary Design Team can help you with all your design needs from label design to label application. -- Call 630.629.6600!
38mm Cubitainer Faucet with 8mm Outlet
Part #: 30W38F- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $2.240 ea.
- 20 $1.690 ea.
- 160 $1.490 ea.
- 320 $1.440 ea.
- 1,100 $1.260 ea.
3 reviews1 Quart Cubitainer® Insert w/Cap, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G307- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $4.497
- 144 $3.797
- 432 $3.517
- 1,440 $3.367
- 4,320 $3.262
1 Quart Cubitainer® Insert, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 30W3CI- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $4.400 ea.
- 144 $3.700 ea.
- 432 $3.420 ea.
- 1,440 $3.270 ea.
- 4,320 $3.180 ea.
1 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert w/Cap, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G308- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $5.517
- 60 $4.607
- 160 $4.117
- 320 $3.877
- 960 $3.717
1 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 30W1GC- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $5.420 ea.
- 60 $4.510 ea.
- 160 $4.020 ea.
- 320 $3.780 ea.
- 960 $3.620 ea.
1 review2.5 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert w/Cap, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G309- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $7.617
- 36 $5.657
- 72 $5.047
- 360 $4.727
- 720 $4.357
2.5 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 30W10C- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $7.520 ea.
- 36 $5.560 ea.
- 72 $4.950 ea.
- 360 $4.630 ea.
- 720 $4.260 ea.
5 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert w/Cap, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G310- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $7.697
- 36 $6.457
- 108 $5.977
- 252 $5.557
- 720 $5.197
5 Gallon Cubitainer® Insert, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 30W05C- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $7.600 ea.
- 36 $6.360 ea.
- 108 $5.880 ea.
- 252 $5.460 ea.
- 720 $5.100 ea.
3-5/8" Cubitainer® Lid Dust Cover
Part #: 30WDST- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $0.210 ea.
- 1,200 $0.200 ea.
1 review1 Quart Cubitainer® Carton
Part #: 30W3CC- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $2.610 ea.
- 144 $1.830 ea.
- 576 $1.690 ea.
- 1,152 $1.580 ea.
- 2,304 $1.480 ea.
1 Gallon Cubitainer® Carton
Part #: 30W1CC- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $3.880 ea.
- 50 $3.600 ea.
- 160 $3.340 ea.
- 960 $3.120 ea.
- 1,920 $2.940 ea.
1 review2.5 Gallon Cubitainer® Carton
Part #: 30W10B- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $5.170 ea.
- 30 $4.800 ea.
- 420 $4.470 ea.
- 1,020 $4.200 ea.
5 Gallon Cubitainer® Carton
Part #: 30W05B- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $7.730 ea.
- 30 $6.870 ea.
- 90 $5.530 ea.
- 270 $5.390 ea.
- 540 $5.270 ea.
1 Gallon Assembled Cubitainer®, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G319- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $11.300 ea.
- 100 $9.450 ea.
- 350 $8.700 ea.
2.5 Gallon Assembled Cubitainer®, 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G320- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $11.870 ea.
- 50 $11.050 ea.
- 100 $10.320 ea.
- 200 $9.710 ea.
5 Gallon Assembled Cubitainer® (350 lb. DW), 38mm 38-400
Part #: 99G321- Quantity Qty Price
- 1 $17.210 ea.
- 12 $12.520 ea.
- 48 $11.160 ea.
- 96 $10.700 ea.
- 144 $10.630 ea.