The 77WA30 is a 30 gallon 15 mil LDPE pleated rigid anti-static drum liner made with an antistatic additive to help reduce static charges. The liner helps to extend a container's lifespan by preventing products from contaminating the drum, allowing for full product recovery. It has an accordion-like wall that allows it to smoothly fit into drums and accommodate variations in drum heights. This rigid liner has a thicker polyethylene material with a rugged texture. The liner acts as a temporary cover inside the drum that can be disposed of after use. No more cleaning away material from corners or pleats! This drum liner is vacuumed formed and does not have seams. Pleated rigid anti-static drum inserts are commonly used to store paints, sealants, chemicals, powdered products, and adhesives.

Key benefits:
  • Eliminates product contamination and excess waste so product does not get stuck to the drums
  • Often used with reconditioned drums
  • Decreases static charge
  • Pleat design allows it to accommodate to variations in drum heights
  • Rigid liner is thicker and has a rugged texture
  • Helps to extend a drum's life, saving money in the long run
  • Makes disposing easy and clean
  • Can hold paints, powders, pastes, ink, and more
  • Creates a cleaner processing environment
  • Pink color differentiates it from the standard liners for easy static identification
  • LDPE liners are general use liners with excellent tensile strength that offers exceptional tear resistance


This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility. The Cary Company does hereby disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. We are not responsible for consequential damages arising from customer's selection and use of containers, container and label dimensions, and/or closures supplied by us.

Please note, this item is excluded from online promotions.

Additional Information

More Information
Capacity30 gal.
Thickness15 mil
Liner StyleAnti-Static
Case Pack25 ea.
Pallet Pack250 ea.
FDA CompliantYes
Country of ManufactureUnited States
Note:Please note that this liner does not completely eliminate static charges.
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Can you ship internationally? Where are you located?
The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or Sales@thecarycompany.com, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
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