The 37BGL2 (UltraTech 9241) is a 2 piece set carrying case for the 37BGL1 (single person grate lifter). The 37BGL2 makes the transporting and storage of the single-person grate lifter easy and convenient.
The UltraTech 9234 (37BGL1) Ultra-Grate Lifter® is a Single Person Grate & Storm Drain Lifter with a 400 lbs. lifting capacity. The ergonomic design provides the right amount of leverage and control to lift stubborn drain covers.
The 37BGL2 (UltraTech 9241) is a 2 piece set carrying case for the 37BGL1 (single person grate lifter). The 37BGL2 makes the transporting and storage of the single-person grate lifter easy and convenient.
This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility. The Cary Company does hereby disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. We are not responsible for consequential damages arising from customer's selection and use of containers, container and label dimensions, and/or closures supplied by us.
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Fork Lift Access
Country of Manufacture
United States
UltraTech® 9241
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The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
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