26BZ71 is the HeviMovers™ machine roller, designed to help you move heavy machines. It is constructed with precision ground and hardened steel rollers that create an endless chain revolving around the central load bearing plate in the frame. Machine rollers work in that the weight of the machine load is transferred directly from the load-bearing plate to the rollers. This helps eliminate any axle friction and requires less power to start and move machine loads. These machine rollers roll easily over cracks and pitted floor areas, which helps to reduce damage to goods. They features a swivel top with a full 360° rotation, a spring-loaded locking mechanism at 45° intervals, and easy care as they only require occasional cleaning and light re-oiling of roller chains. It has a 30,000 Ib capacity.

Key benefit:
  • Designed to help you move heavy machines
  • Rollers help eliminate axle friction
  • 30,000 Ib capacity


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More Information
Dimensions12.75" L x 6.5" W x 4.875" H
Case Pack1 ea.
Pallet Pack90 ea. (90 Cases)
Weight52 lbs.
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