The 30WCLP is a small can clip for 1/2 pint and 1 pint metal paint cans. They are designed to lock the lid to keep the cans properly sealed to prevent a spill during transit.
The 30WCLP is a small can clip for 1/2 pint and 1 pint metal paint cans.They are designed to lock the lid to keep the cans properly sealed to prevent a spill during transit. Paint can clips meet U.S. Postal Service requirements and are required by UPS for hazardous material shipments. They can be easily removed with a screw driver or pliers.
This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility. The Cary Company does hereby disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. We are not responsible for consequential damages arising from customer's selection and use of containers, container and label dimensions, and/or closures supplied by us.
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Case Pack
25,000 ea.
Pallet Pack
900,000 ea. (36 Cases)
Country of Manufacture
United States
Q & A
Customer Questions
Can you ship internationally? Where are you located?
The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
What are paint can clips?
Paint can clips are small fasteners that help secure a lid to a paint can. There are clips made for metal, hybrid or plastic paint can lids in ½ pint, 1 pint, 1 quart, ½ gallon and 1 gallon size cans/lids. These clips are easy to apply and remove and add an extra measure of security to ensure paint cans do not leak or spill during transport or storage.
Are there different clips designed for different cans?
Our clips are designed to be matched to their respective paint cans by material type and size. For example, Part #30WCLP Paint Can Clips are made for 1/2 and 1 pint size metal paint cans only. Part #30WCLH Paint Can Clips are made for ½, 1 pint and 1 quart size hybrid paint cans only.
How do I attach and remove paint can clips?
To attach, hold the clip between your fingers, align with the lid and apply pressure until the clip snaps into place. To remove, pry the clip off with either a screwdriver or pliers.
How many clips are typically used per can?
Four to six clips are sufficient to secure most paint can lids.
Does every clip work with all types and sizes of cans?
No, paint can clips are compatible with their respective containers by size and paint can material type. There are clips made for either ½ or 1 pint, 1 quart or 1 gallon sizes for either metal, hybrid or plastic paint cans. These are not meant to be interchanged between the different sizes and types of paint cans/lids. The type of paint can that each clip is compatible with can be found on the individual product pages.
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