56BSV3 is a 30 Gallon Yellow Salvage Plastic Drum with Cover and Lever Lock Ring. This UN-rated drum is constructed of durable, chemical resistant blow-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Salvage drums enforce workplace safety as they are ideal for use with damaged or leaking containers of hazardous materials or used absorbent materials contaminated with hazardous substances. These drums must be labeled salvage drum and pass a 3-PSI pressure test.
The 37WS05 is a 3" x 4' gray universal absorbent sock with a 100% polypropylene fill designed to absorb and stop the spread of leaks and spills. This sock is compatible to absorb oils, water, solvents, coolants, and more making it versatile in use, and
56BSV3 is a 30 Gallon Yellow Salvage Plastic Drum with Cover and Lever Lock Ring. This UN-rated drum is constructed of durable, chemical resistant blow-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Salvage drums enforce workplace safety as they are ideal for use with damaged or leaking containers of hazardous materials or used absorbent materials contaminated with hazardous substances. These drums must be labeled "salvage drum" and pass a 3-PSI pressure test.
Key benefits:
Nestable for stacking and ease of shipping
Chemical and weather resistant
UN certified to HM-81
Approved for use with Packing Groups I, II, and III
Operating temperature range of -30°F to 130°F
Constructed with UV inhibitors
UL94HB Flammability Rating
Proudly Made in the USA
Disclaimer: This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility.
High density polyethylene (HDPE ) is the most commonly used resin. This economical plastic has good impact and chemical resistance, is naturally translucent and flexible. It is typically used for personal care products such as shampoo bottles. Adding color will give HDPE an opaque look that will result in an increase in weight and rigidness. We have a variety of these rigid and tough high density polyethylene products in stock, from containers, pails, bottles, caps, tubs and jugs. HDPE works well in below freezing temperatures. HDPE heat compatibility varies. Maximum fill temperature is generally around 171°F; however, testing is recommended with your specific product and application. Distortion occurs between 220° to 250° F.
This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility. The Cary Company does hereby disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. We are not responsible for consequential damages arising from customer's selection and use of containers, container and label dimensions, and/or closures supplied by us.
Additional Information
More Information
30 gal.
UV Inhibitors
21.125" Dia. (top) x 16.63" Dia. (bottom) x 28.5" H
18 lbs.
Case Dimensions
22" L x 22" W x 29" H
Pallet Pack
15 ea.
Pallet Weight
720 lbs.
Country of Manufacture
United States
Cover w/Lever Lock Ring Closure
UN Rating Solid
DOT Specification
49 CFR 173.3
Q & A
Customer Questions
What is a Salvage drum and what is it used for?
A salvage drum is a specialized open head drum designed to contain a smaller vessel (such as smaller drums and pails) that holds hazardous material which has been damaged, is leaking or has spilled. Offered in both steel and plastic versions, salvage drums come with a cover that has either a bolt ring or lever lock closure. All salvage drums are UN rated, which means they are designed to meet the requirements set by the DOT for safe transport of potentially hazardous materials within the primary container. Salvage drums can also be used to temporarily store hazardous material soiled absorbents for later disposal.
What type of Salvage drum do I need for my hazardous materials?
Each salvage drum is tested and rated to meet or exceed UN performance requirements for either Packing Group III, II or I hazardous materials. Additionally, these containers, as well as their cushioning materials, must be compatible with the hazardous material in the primary container.
Are Salvage drums DOT certified?
Yes, salvage drums are regulated by the DOT as containers to be used once product is in transport. The UN rating required for salvage drums to hold potentially hazardous goods is determined by DOT.
What are the differences between Salvage drums and Overpack drums?
Salvage drums are used to contain damaged, compromised or leaking containers that hold hazardous materials. The damaged container is placed inside of the Salvage drum and sealed. They are UN rated which means they're tested to ensure they can safely transport the type of hazardous material they are designed. Although overpack drums can also be UN rated, they are simply a secondary container for intact packaging or damaged non-hazardous materials that offer additional protection to the primary container.
How many times may I use this Salvage drum?
Salvage drums are designed for a single transport.
What size Salvage drum is needed for a 55-gallon drum?
Since the Salvage drum must be larger than the container it’s holding, 55-gallon drums typically need an 85-gallon Salvage drum to ensure the primary drum will fit in the Salvage drum.
Can you ship internationally? Where are you located?
The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or Sales@thecarycompany.com, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
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