What Dust Filter Works Best for My System?

Ditch the Dust!

An effective dust collection system is important to ensure that dust, sand, powder and other contaminants stay separate from your products. With the right filtration setup, the entire facility can benefit, including better air quality, cleaner operations and equipment efficiency.

Each baghouse system has a designated baghouse filter bag, from shaker and reverse air to pulse jet. Additionally, dust cartridges are available for compatible cartridge dust collectors. Each are used for different applications and offer unique benefits.

Dust Baghouse Filters, Dust Collection Cartridges and Leak Detection PowderDust Baghouse Filters, Dust Collection Cartridges and Leak Detection Powder

Baghouse Filter Bags

For dust filtration, there are baghouse filters for your appropriate baghouse system. They are commonly used in a variety of industries including chemical and food among others. Baghouse filters are a standard for processes often used with powders, sugars and more.

Baghouse filters come in two primary options: top load and bottom load depending on the design of the system. Top load bags are mounted in place using either a snap band or a ceiling ring. In comparison, bottom load bags use a bag cuff or a raw edge. They are created and designed to be easily replaced.

What Are the Different Baghouse Filter Bags?

Each type of Baghouse filter is used in a baghouse system designed for that filter bag. For example, shaker bags are exclusive to shaker systems, reverse air to reverse air systems, etc.

Outside of that, there are some environmental factors (humidity, dust characteristics, temperature, rate and others) that go into going with the right media and coatings for your baghouse filter. On our website, you can find out more about media coatings and finishes.

The three main types of baghouse filters are: shaker, reverse air and pulse jet.

1. Shaker Filter Bags

Shaker bags are used in shaker bag systems when compressed air is not available in the process of bag cleaning.

Once the bag is suspended from a motor-driven hook or hanger, shaking and dust collection is made simple with an outside-to-inside gas flow and energy transfer.

The bag with the correct fabric for your baghouse system leads to a more efficient and easier shaking process.

2. Reverse Air Filter Bags

Reverse air baghouse filters are used in a reverse air housing system where air is moved inside of the bag to the outside.

This process is fan driven and ideal for when gas flow is stopped or interrupted. Reverse air filters are used when there is not a lot of compressed air and pressure going into the bag. 

Reverse air baghouse filters have options and media coating/finishes similar to shaker bags.

Shaker and Reverse Air Filter BagsShaker and Reverse Air Filter Bags

3. Pulse Jet Filters

Finally, to filter out pulse jet systems, there are pulse jet filters. This type is exclusively for pulse jet cleaning processes and is ideal for light powders, sugars and more. They are shorter than other standard baghouse filters.

Similar to shaker bags, the pulse jet filters go through a outside to inside air flow process.

They are commonly used in industries ranging from cement and powder coatings among others. Determining coatings and finishes requires similar information of other baghouse filters surrounding the humidity and temperature.

There are two main types of bags to use in pulse jet filter systems: standard and pleated.

Standard VS Pleated Pulse Jet Filter Bags

There are some clear differences between the two bags that go into pulse jet systems.

  • Standard bags come with a top load and bottom load options, with the top load having a snap top and the bottom having a raw edge.
  • Pleated bags have the same top and bottom options, with ceiling rings and hose clamps available for each. These filters are short making way for an easy installation due to the size and use without a cage. Pleated bags have as much efficiency as ten standard bag filters. They are able to increase the filter space and decrease downtime in the pulse jet system.
Pulse Jet Filter BagsPulse Jet Filter Bags

Dust Collection Cartridges

Outside of Baghouse Filter Bags, dust collector cartridges are exclusive to cartridge systems that specialize in grinding, sanding and other industry-specific applications, with metal being the most common. There are some key factors to consider in determining which dust filter cartridge works for your system:

  • Identify the configuration you need. Some cartridges are open/open or open/closed based on how the dust would like to be collected. Other options include:
    • Open/closed with bolt hole
    • Square or rectangular flanges
    • Round lip flanges
    • Additional material and flame-retardant options.
  • Choose which MERV rating and size is needed. MERV is a rating system that measures the efficiency of a filter to capture particles in the air to improve air quality in the room based on the micron size. 
Dust Collection CartridgesDust Collection Cartridges

Dust Collection Leak Detection Powder & Pre-Coat

Available in a variety of colors ranging from yellow and green to red and orange, leak detection powder works to show where leaks are occurring throughout the dust collection system. They are most used near seams, welds and bags and can be detected under UV light to point out tears and rips in the system. This detection powder works for both baghouse filters and filter cartridges.

Additionally, pre-coat is a powder that can be applied to filter bags before the process for protection, air flow, and particle size purposes. Pre-coat is ideal for bags that work with harmful moisture, oils, and hydrocarbons. this powder protects against binding and plugging processes that are common in dust filtration. 

The pre-coat has a similar effect of filters that have a rating of MERV 15 and are made of a Cellulose/Nanofiber media.

Dust Collection Leak Detection PowderDust Collection Leak Detection Powder

Want to Improve Your Dust Filtration? Talk to Our Experts!

The Cary Company has a wide variety of dust filtration bags, cartridges and accessories available. Additionally, we have industrial filtration experts that are very knowledgeable and happy to answer any question you may have.

Email our specialists at sales@thecarycompany.com for more information or give us a call at 630-629-6600 today!