This 150°-650°F high capacity bulb and capillary temperature controller with 2 contactors is designed for applications that require automatic control. Bulb and capillary temperature controllers are ideal for high wattage tank and hopper applications and can withstand indoor and outdoor industrial use. The bulb and capillary are made of 304 stainless steel for durability and longevity. The dial controller makes it easy to set your desired temperature.

Key benefits:

  • Large amperage capacity: 50 amps per contactor
  • Dial controller closure is NEMA 4x rated
  • Industrial strength clear window cover for visibility
  • 304 stainless steel bulb and capillary
  • Average accuracy +/-5°F
  • Temperature exposure range of -40 to 160°F (-40 to 71°C)
  • Temperature dial available in °F only
  • Proudly Made in the USA


Stainless steel 304 (SS304) has excellent corrosion resistance and weldability. SS304 has an oxidation resistance of 1600°F for intermittent service and 1690°F for continuous service. We have a collection of stainless steel 304 drums, power drill mixers, and filter vessels. Stainless steel 304 products, such as pans and cooking tools are common household products that people use on a daily basis.


This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility.

Additional Information

More Information
ColorStainless Steel
MaterialStainless Steel
Temperature ReadingFahrenheit (°F)
Dimensions14" L x 14" W x 10" H
Weight30 lbs.
Pallet Pack45 ea.
Pallet Weight1,350 lbs.
Pallet Dimensions42" L x 42" W x 55" H
Country of ManufactureUnited States
Note:Controller designed for use in non-hazardous locations only.
Q & A
Customer Questions
Can you ship internationally? Where are you located?
The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or Sales@thecarycompany.com, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
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