The 81B298 is a 14" x 8" x 8" corrugated carton/box constructed from strong, 200#/ECT-32, kraft single wall corrugated material. This versatile cardboard box can be used for various shipping applications. The 81B298 has a maximum content weight of up to 65 lbs. These boxes are sold 25/bundle and ships and stores flat.

Key benefits
  • Manufactured from 200#/ECT-32 single wall kraft corrugated
  • Maximum box content weight of up to 65 lbs.
  • 200 lbs. - 200# (Bursting Test, lbs. per sq. in.) ? Measures the bursting strength. How much pressure is required to rupture the wall.
  • 32 lbs. - ECT-32 (Edge Crust Test, lbs. per in. width) - Measures the stacking strength. How much top to bottom pressure a box can withstand before crushing.
  • RSC (Regular Slotted Container), where all the flaps are the same depth and the two outer flaps (normally the lengthwise flaps) are one-half of the containers width, so they meet at the center of the box when folded.
  • Cartons are sold in bundle quantities and ship flat to save on storage space and shipping.
Box Strength
The Mullen Busting Test measures the bursting strength of the corrugated linerboard while the Edge Crush Test measures linerboard stacking strength. For example, the 200 lbs. Mullen box and the 32 ECT box are comparable in stacking strength. But that is where the similarity ends. The Mullen Test box is better suited for the protection of heavier contents while the Edge Crush Test box provides lighter weight cartons with good stacking characteristics. When in doubt as to which box to use, always select the Mullen Test box because the construction of the linerboard cannot be altered. For example, 200# Mullen Test linerboard must be made of 42# per square inch basis weight paper and the medium or flute paper cannot be less than 23# per square inch basis weight.

Box MeasurmentsBox Measurements
Box measurements are always expressed in three dimensions (Length x Width x Depth) and always in that specific sequence. The length and width are the opening dimensions of the box, and the length is always the larger of the two (unless they are equal). The depth is how far you can reach into the box, and is the distance measured perpendicular to the length and width. These measurements always relate to the inside dimensions of the box. When measuring your box always leave space on all sides and above and below product for cushioning, such as bubble cushioning or loose fill.


This information has been provided as a general guide. It is the customer's responsibility to select the proper container for product and application compatibility. The Cary Company does hereby disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. We are not responsible for consequential damages arising from customer's selection and use of containers, container and label dimensions, and/or closures supplied by us.

Please note, this item is excluded from online promotions.

Additional Information

More Information
Content Weight65 lbs.
Box Strength200#/ECT-32
Wall ConstructionSingle Wall
Box TypeStandard
Dimensions14" L x 8" W x 8" D
Case Pack25 ea.
Pallet Pack500 ea.
Country of ManufactureUnited States
Note:Custom printing & sizes available. Call for details.
Q & A
Customer Questions
Can you ship internationally? Where are you located?
The Cary Company online ordering platform is only set up to ship within the United States. For international shipments, please contact us at 630.629.6600 or Sales@thecarycompany.com, and we will be happy to process your order. Our main warehouse and office are located in Addison, Ill. We also have warehouses in across the United States that you can see here. Thank you for choosing The Cary Company.
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